WELCOME to the online booking site.:)

I INVITE you to pause for a moment and notice that you have arrived:) What type of therapy, class or training are you looking for today? To book, please have a look at the list below. If you have any questions, please reach out at elisa@elisapeterson.ca.

BOOKING and CANCELLATION Policies: Your presence is valued:)

Individual Appointments: Require 48 HOURS notice for changes in your booking to allow others time to book in your place.

Workshop Registrations: i) If you would like to change your registration with more than 6 weeks left before the course begins, a full refund is given for course registration. A $20 administrative fee is charged for all refunds. ii) With 6 weeks or less left until the course begins, your space has been reserved for you with no refund. As an option, you can give your course spot to another colleague.

CLINIC LOCATION: Canopy Integrated Health: 149-1233 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC V7J 0A1, Tel: 604.973.0210

WORKSHOP AND CLASS LOCATIONS: Included in workshop /class descriptions below.

Have a wonderful day! I look forward to meeting you:)

Professional Development Trainings

Trauma-sensitive, body-oriented, and regulated-informed classes and trainings for both personal and professional exploration.

Somatic Experiencing Session

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a compassionate, body-centred method used to resolve trauma symptoms and relieve chronic stress. It does not require you the client to re-tell or re-live traumatic events. Instead it offers you a gentle space to reconnect with your body and its innate ability to gradually release symptoms of trauma and stress in a way that feels manageable and supportive. This reset... Read More

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a compassionate, body-centred method used to resolve trauma symptoms and relieve chronic stress. It does not require you the client to re-tell or re-live traumatic events. Instead it offers you a gentle space to reconnect with your body and its innate ability to gradually release symptoms of trauma and stress in a way that feels manageable and supportive. This resets our nervous system, restores inner balance, builds resilience to stress, increases our vitality and capacity to actively engage in life.

For more information on Somatic Experiencing visit: www.traumahealing.org
Contact Elisa directly at: elisa@elisapeterson.ca

Massage Therapy for Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQI+

CARE - Trauma-Informed Massage Therapy - Compassion - Awareness - Resilience - Embodiment - WELCOME:) My intention is to hold a compassionate , trauma-informed, space for women, girls, two-spirited, and gender diverse individuals who have experienced traumatic events, or are feeling the impact of acute or chronic stress. Trauma–informed massage therapy offers a gentle, patient experience t... Read More

CARE - Trauma-Informed Massage Therapy -
Compassion - Awareness - Resilience - Embodiment -

WELCOME:) My intention is to hold a compassionate , trauma-informed, space for women, girls, two-spirited, and gender diverse individuals who have experienced traumatic events, or are feeling the impact of acute or chronic stress. Trauma–informed massage therapy offers a gentle, patient experience that encourages you to listen to your body’s cues and build a relationship that grows a sense safety and trust so you can support what healing means for you. You can email me at elisa@elisapeterson.ca with questions you may have about stress, trauma, and massage therapy.

CARE for Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQI+ experiencing, or who have experienced:

* Anxiety or Chronic Stress,
* Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder / PTSD
* Sexual Trauma, Abuse, or Violence

*Symptoms of acute and chronic stress, that can include, chronic pain & fatigue, digestive issues, migraines and insomnia.

ABOUT Your Massage Therapy Session
• Your session will have you laying on you back
• Your clothing remains on

TECHNIQUES to Support You
Together we will decide which technique(s) will best support you.

• Craniosacral Therapy
• Lymphatic Drainage
• Acupressure

WHAT IS A Stress & Trauma-Informed Massage Therapy Practice...

YOUR unique lived experience is met with compassion, humility, and respect;
I AM committed to on-going learning about how stress and trauma impact the body;
YOU are given the time to discover what trust and safety feel like for you, in your body;
SAFTEY and TRUST are built patiently with choices, collaboration, curiosity, and conversation;
YOUR physical, emotional, mental, cultural, and spiritual safety are honoured.

Thank you for your Presence...
Together, we care and heal as a community.

PLEASE REACH OUT wIth any questions 🦋 @ elisa@elisapeterson.ca

“My commitment is to offer you sanctuary for rest, healing and reflection- a compassionate space where you can slow your mind, connect to your body’s guidance and experience its innate capacity to heal.”

After 30 years of experience in health care, Elisa continues to cultivate a broad and rich experience of how our bodies can heal. With professional training as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, she offers you a body-centred approach to healing- a gentle, patient experience that promotes body awareness and your body’s capacity to self-regulate and repair. You are encouraged you to listen to your body’s unique cues and recognize how that awareness plays an integral role in healing your body.

Elisa holds a compassionate space to help people who have experienced trauma or are feeling the impact of chronic stress in their lives. She offers Somatic Experiencing session and both group and private instruction in Qigong. Her body-centred approach is beneficial for those who experience conditions such as Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD, as well as, relieving symptoms of stress that include chronic pain & fatigue, digestive issues, migraines and insomnia.

You can get in touch with Elisa directly with any questions you may have about stress, trauma and body-centred healing at elisa@elisapeterson.ca

“My commitment is to offer you sanctuary for rest, healing and reflection- a compassionate space ... Read More

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